
UP BEd Counselling 2023 Online Registration and Date


UP Joint Entrance Examination B.Ed 2023

UP BEd Counselling 2023 Summary

University Name Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
Test Name UP Joint Entrance Examination B.Ed 2023
Course Name B.Ed
Course Duration 2 Year
UP BEd Counselling Fee Rs.750/-
Phase 1 Counselling Registration Start Date 15 September 2023
Phase 1 Counselling Registration Last Date 21 September 2023
Phase 1 Choice Filling Last Date 22 September 2023
UP BEd Phase 1 Seat Allotment Date 23 September 2023
Phase 1 Seat Confirmation & Fee Payment Period 24-28 September 2023

UP BEd Counselling 2023 Important Instruction

Only those candidates who have been allotted a rank in the U.P. B.Ed., J.E.E. 2023-25 Merit List are eligible to participate in counselling. The schedule for J.E.E. B.Ed. 2023 online counselling shall be declared later. Detailed counselling schedule would be displayed on the official website of Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (U.P.) (

Counselling Rounds

  • Main counselling (Round 1) : Phase – 1, 2, 3
  • Pool counselling (Round 2)
  • Direct admission (Round 3)
  • Direct admission on minority seats (Round 4)

UP BEd Counselling 2023 Document Verification List

Candidates would need to carry the originals and self attested copy of the following documents.

  1. Printout of the Provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter from Bundelkhand University, Jhansi website.
  2. Copy of Application form, Admit Card and Score Card of the B.Ed., J.E.E.-2023
  3. Proof of Date of Birth : Class 10th Certificate.
  4. All Mark Sheets and Certificates up to Qualifying Examination.
  5. Category, Sub Category and Weightage Certificates in original in the prescribed format.
  6. Original Photo ID issued by Government.
  7. Two passport sized photographs of candidates.
  8. Copies of all Fees Receipts.

How To Apply For UP BEd Counselling 2023

Step 1 : Registration

  1. Candidates have to login using their login detail. In case they have forgotten the password they can regenerate it through the link provided on the website.
  2. Counselling fee and Advance College fee payment.
  3. Candidates who have completed registration process have to pay Rs. 5750/- (Rs. 750/- as counselling free and Rs. 5000/- as advance college fee) through online modes (Net Banking, Debit Card and Credit Card) only.
  4. The counselling fee of Rs. 750 is non refundable.

Step 2 : Choice Filling

  1. Only registered candidates will be able to fill the choices.
  2. Candidates registered for counselling have to fill their choices according to their preferences.
  3. Candidates can give as many choices as they want.
  4. Candidates are advised to give maximum choices to avoid rejection in allotment.
  5. If a candidate has submitted the choices but not locked till the last date of choice filling is over, it will automatically be locked before seat allotment.

Step 3 : College Allotment

  1. College allotment will be done strictly on the basis of state rank of the candidate as well as colleges they have selected in order of preference during counselling.
  2. State reservation policy will be followed for Aided and Government Colleges only.
  3. Seat allotment result will be available on candidate’s login only and no where else.
  4. EWS reservation will be followed in Aided, Government and Self Financing Colleges.

  1. Candidates who have been allotted college will have to download Provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter through the B.Ed., J.E.E.-2023 website.
  2. In case the college fee is more than the advance college free, the candidates will have to pay the balance amount online within three days of college allotment before they can download Provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter.

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