
TMBU UG Admission Online Form 2023-24 Apply At


News:- TMBU UG admission session 2023-24 online application from will be tentatively start from 05th April 2023

News Date:- 02 April 2023


Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University

Important Dates

  • Application Start Date: 05-04-2023 (Tentative)
  • Application Last Date: 30-04-2023

Application Fee

(Tentative Fee)

  • For All Candidates: Rs.300/-
  • Pay fee through Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking/ UPI.

TMBU UG Admission 2023 News (30 March 2023)

TMBU UG Admission News 2023

TMBU UG Admission 2023 Schedule

Events Dates
Application Correction Window 01 May 2023 to 05 May 2023
Publication of 1st Merit List 16 May 2023
Online Admission (Fee Deposit) As Per 1st Merit List 17 May to 26 May 2023
Publication of 2nd Merit List 12 June 2023
Publication of 3rd Merit List 27 June 2023

Eligibility Criteria for TMBU UG Admission 2023

B.A (Hons.)

If the Student has passed intermediate from ARTS Stream :

1. A student who have passed Intermediate (+2) examination (minimum 33%) with a minimum 45% marks in the subject concerned shall be eligible for B.A (Hons.) course OR A student who have passed Intermediate (+2) examination (minimum 33%) with a minimum 45% marks in the allied subject i.e. related subject shall be eligible for B.A (Hons.) course

If the Student has passed intermediate from Science Stream :

2. A student who have passed Intermediate (+2) examination with a minimum 45% marks in aggregate shall be eligible for B.A (Hons.) course.

3. For studying B.A (Hons) in Mathematics or Statistic she must pass the Intermediate (+2) examination with a minimum 45%marks in Mathematics.

If the Student has passed intermediate from Commerce Stream :

4. A student who have passed Intermediate (+2) examination with a minimum obtained mark of 45% in aggregate shall be eligible for B.A (Hons.) course.

Special Conditions :

5. For B.A (Hons) in Geography, Home Science, Music or Psychology she must pass (minimum 33%) the Intermediate (+2) examination with respective subject (45% marks).

6. A student cannot take his/her admission in B.A (Hons.) course on the basis the marks obtained in the Alternative subjects like English, Hindi, Maithili, Persian, Bangala, etc. having the full marks of fifty (50).

7. The subjects like Rural Economics & Cooperation, A.I.H. & Culture. I.R.P.M. and Gandhian Thought are not taught at the Intermediate (+2 ) level hence B.A. (Hons) in A.I.H. & Culture will be given to the students whe have studied History at (+2) level. However. any (+2) passed (minimum 45% marks in aggregate) student can apply for the Subjects like Rural Economics & Cooperation. I.R.P.M. and Gandhian Thought.

B.Sc. (Hons.)

If the Student has passed intermediate from SCIENCE Stream :

  1. A student who have passed Intermediate (+2) examination (minimum 33%) with a minimum 45% marks in the subject concerned shall be eligible for B.Sc. (Hons. ) course. OR A student who have passed Intermediate (+2) examination (minimum 33%) with a minimum 45% marks in the allied subject i.e. related subject shall be eligible for B.A (Hons.) course.
  2. A student who have passed Intermediate (+2) examination (minimum 33%) with a Minimum 45% marks in the allied subject i.e. related subject shall be eligible for B.Sc. (Hons.) course.

Special Conditions :

If s/he has studied that Paper as an additional paper but s/he is not having 45% marks. In that paper. Then s/he is not eligible for studying that paper at Degree level.

  1. She/he must have passed and secured a minimum of 45% in Biology to opt for Botany and Zoology.
  2. For studying Mathematics or Statistics as Honours paper. s/he must pass (minimum 33%) In Mathematics and Physic in the +2 examination with 45% marks in Mathematics.
  3. For Physics as Honours. s/he must pass in physics and Mathematics at +2 level.
  1. For Chemistry as Honours. she/he must pass in Physics and Mathematics or Physics and Biology +2 level.

Any Student who have passed intermediate from Art / commerce Stream shall not be eligible for Admission in B.Sc. (Hons.).

B.Com. (Hons.)

If the Student has passed intermediate from COMMERCE Stream :

  1. A student who have passed (minimum 33% ) in Intermediate (+2) Examination with a Minimum obtained marks of 45% in Commerce subject or group of subjects shall be Eligible for B.Com. (Hons.) course.

If the Student has passed intermediate from Science Stream :

  1. A student who have passed Intermediate (+2) examination in Science with a minimum Of 50% in aggregate shall be eligible for B.Com. (Hons.) course.

Any Student who have passed intermediate from Arts Stream stream shall not be eligible for B.Com. (Hons.) course.

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