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UKPSC RO ARO Recruitment 2023 Apply Online, Notification


Uttarakhand Public Service Commission

Important Dates

  • Application Start Date: 08-09-2023
  • Application Last Date: 29-09-2023
  • Fee Payment Last Date: 29-09-2023
  • Application Editing Date: 05-10-2023 to 14-10-2023

Application Fee

  • Unreserved: Rs.222.30/-
  • OBC/ EWS of UK: Rs.222.30/-
  • SC/ ST of UK: Rs.102.30/-
  • PH Candidate: Rs.22.30/-
  • Fee can be paid online by using Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Internet Banking.

Age Limit

Age Calculator

  • Age as on : 01.07.2023
  • Minimum Age: 21 Years
  • Maximum Age: 42 Years
  • (For Age Relaxation See Notification.)

Total Post


Eligibility Criteria for UKPSC RO ARO Recruitment 2023

Review Officer (RO):

For Uttarakhand Secretariat / Uttarakhand Public Service Commission-

  1. Bachelor’s degree or any equivalent qualification.
  2. It is necessary to have a minimum speed of 4000 key depressions per hour in Hindi typing on computer.
  3. Preference will be given to the candidates who can type English on computer, in which it is necessary to have a minimum speed of 8000 key-depression per hour in English typing on computer.
  4. Basic knowledge of computer will be tested, which will include-
    1. Windows and Internet
    2. MS Word
    3. MS Access
    4. M.S. Excel
    5. MS Power Point

For Revenue Council office-

  1. Bachelor’s degree or any equivalent qualification.
  2. It is necessary to have a minimum speed of 4000 key depressions per hour in Hindi typing on computer.
  3. Preference will be given to the candidates who can do English typing on computer, in which it is mandatory to have a minimum speed of 8000 Key-Depression per hour in English typing on computer.

Assistant Review Officer (ARO) :

For Uttarakhand Secretariat / Uttarakhand Public Service Commission-

  1. Bachelor’s degree or any equivalent qualification.
  2. It is necessary to have a minimum speed of 4000 key depressions per hour in Hindi typing on computer.
  3. Preference will be given to the candidates who can type English on computer, in which it is necessary to have a minimum speed of 9000 key-depression per hour in English typing on computer.
  4. Basic knowledge of computer will be tested, which will include-
    1. Windows and Internet
    2. MS Word
    3. MS Access
    4. M.S. Excel
    5. MS Power Point

For Revenue Council office-

  1. Bachelor’s degree or any equivalent qualification.
  2. It is necessary to have a minimum speed of 4000 key depressions per hour in Hindi typing on computer.
  3. Preference will be given to the candidates who can do English typing on computer, in which it is mandatory to have a minimum speed of 9000 Key-Depression per hour in English typing on computer.

UKPSC RO ARO Vacancy Details 2023

Post Name UR OBC ST SC EWS Total Post
RO (Uttarakhand Secretariat) 39 04 05 05 53
RO (UKPSC) 04 01 02 01 08
RO (Revenue Board Office) 05 01 02 08
ARO (Uttarakhand Secretariat) 27 11 01 15 06 60
ARO (UKPSC) 02 02
ARO (Revenue Board Office) 04 01 01 06
Grand total 137

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