News:- NTA will declare online result and cut off marks of UGC NET December 2022 cycle on 13th April 2023 at ugcnet.nta.nic.in
News Date:- 12 April 2023
University Grants Commission, National Eligibility Test
UGC NET Result 2023 Summary
Examination Body | National Testing Agency |
Exam Name | University Grants Commission, National Eligibility Test |
Examination Cycle | December 2022 |
Final Answer Key Released Date | 06 April 2023 |
Total Number of Candidates | 8,34,537 |
No. of Candidates Qualified For Assistant Professor | To be updated soon |
No. of Candidates Qualified For Assistant JRF | To be updated soon |
Result Status | To be declared on 13th April 2023 |
UGC NET Result Declare Date | 13 April 2023 |
UGC NET Result Link | ugcnet.nta.nic.in |
Download Admit Card | UGC NET Admit Card 2023 |
Apply Online For | UGC NET 2023 |
Procedure and Criteria for declaration of UGC NET Result
The following steps will be followed:
- Step I: The number of candidates to be qualified (total slots or Eligibility for Assistant Professor) shall be equal to 6% of the candidates appearedin both the papers of NET.
- Step II: The total slots shall be allocated to different categories as per the reservation policy of Government of India.
- Step III: In order to be considered for ‘JRF and Eligibility for Assistant Professor’ and for ‘Assistant Professor’, the candidate must haveappeared in both the papers and secured at least 40% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for General (Unreserved) / General-EWS category candidates and at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for all candidates belongingto the reserved categories (viz., SC, ST, OBC (belonging to Non- Creamy Layer), PwD and Third gender).
- Step IV: The number of candidates to be declared qualified in any subject for a particular category is derived as per the methodology illustrated below:
Example: Number of candidates to be declaredqualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor in the subject ‘Economics’ for the Scheduled Caste (SC) category. |
Number of candidates belonging to SC category who secure at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for SC category for‘Economics’ (x) Total slots derived for SC category as per Step II (÷) Total number of candidates belonging to SC category over all subjects who secure atleast 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together. |
The aggregate percentage of the two papers corresponding to the number of slots arrived at, shall determine the qualifying cut-off for Eligibility for Assistant Professor ‘in ‘Economics’ for the SC category. Similar yardstick shall be employed for deriving the subject-wise qualifying cut-offs for all categories.
- Step V: All candidates who had applied for ‘Eligibility for JRF & Eligibility for Assistant Professor both’ out of the total number of qualified candidates derived as per Step IV, shall constitute the considerationzone for JRF.
- Step VI: The total number of slots available for awarding JRF is allocated among different categories as per the reservation policy of Government of India. The procedure for subject wise cum category-wise allocation of JRF slots is illustrated below:
Example: Number of candidates to be declared qualified for JRF & Eligibility for Assistant Professorboth in the subject ‘Economics’ for the Scheduled Tribe (ST) category. |
Number of candidates belonging to ST category who have opted for JRF and have qualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor in thesubject ‘Economics’ (x) Total JRF slots available for ST category (÷) Total number of candidates belonging to ST category over all subjects who have opted for JRF and have Qualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor. |
The aggregate percentage of the two paper scores corresponding to the number of JRF slots arrived at, shall determine the qualifying cut-off for JRF in ‘Economics’ for the ST category.
Similar procedure is used for all subjects and categories.
It may be noted that the above qualifying criteria decided by UGC is final and binding.
Result of the examination shall be hosted on NTA website ugcnet.nta.nic.in. The candidates will not be individually intimated about their result.
How To Download UGC NET Result 2023
There are following simple steps for downloading of online result of UGC NET December 2022 cycle as described under:
- At first open NTA UGC NET official website ugcnet.nta.nic.in
- In the home page under Candidate Activity section click on the given link as “Download Result UGC NET Dec 2022”
- Next, you will be directed to the result page from where you can download your result by filling some important details.
- Then enter application number and date of birth in specified field correctly.
- After then enter security pin correctly as shown in the result page.
- Finally click on Submit button to get your result from UGC NET website.