News:- SSC Havaldar Examination 2022 result has been declared.
News Date:- 02 September 2023
Staff Selection Commission
SSC MTS Result 2023 Summary
Recruitment Agency | Staff Selection Commission |
Examination Name | Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff, and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination, 2022 |
Post Name | MTS and Havaldar |
Total Post | 12523 |
Application Starting Date | 18 January 2023 |
Application Closing Date | 17 February 2023 |
Tier I Exam Date | 02 May 2023 to 19 May 2023 & 13 June 2023 to 20 June 2023 |
SSC MTS Result Declared Date | 02 September 2023 |
SSC MTS Result Download Link | ssc.nic.in |
SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam 2022 Cut Off and Qualifying Marks
Minimum qualifying marks in Session-I and as well as in Session-II of Computer Based Examination are as follows:
- UR : 30%
- OBC/ EWS : 25%
- All other categories : 20%
MTS Selection Process: The recruitment process for the post of MTS will consist of Session-I and Session-II in Computer Based Examination (CBE).
Havaldar Selection Process: The recruitment process for the post of Havaldar will consist of Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST).
MTS Paper I Cut Off: For the post of MTS, there will be separate category-wise, State/ UTwise cut-offs in Session-II. As the vacancies for MTS are in two age groups i.e. (i) 18 to 25 years and (ii) 18 to 27 years, the Commission may fix separate age group-wise, category-wise and State/ UT-wise cut-offs in CBE.
Resolution Of Tie Cases For SSC MTS Result 2023
In cases where more than one candidate secures the equal aggregate marks, tie will be resolved by applying the following methods, one after another, till the tie is resolved:
- Marks in General Awareness of Session-II
- Total marks in Session-I.
- Date of birth i.e. the candidate older in age gets preference.
- Alphabetical order of the names.
How To Check SSC MTS Result 2023
There are following steps for checking SSC MTS Tier 1 examination result as follows:
- At first open Staff Selection Commission official website www.ssc.nic.in in your Computer or Mobile Phone or Tablet.
- In home page of SSC website you will see a “Result” link at top right corner.
- After clicking on the result link, you will be get result page on your screen, then click on OTHERS tab under Result section.
- You will see result uploaded date with examination name and year as “Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Examination 2022: List of Candidates Qualified In Paper-I for Appearing in Paper-II (Descriptive Paper) in Roll No Order”.
- At the right hand side of result section you will find Write Up and result tab, you can download result and cut off marks in PDF.
- You can find your result easily in PDF file by searching on computer using “Ctrl+F” command then either enter your Name or Roll Number, if you are qualified in this examination you will get search result in PDF with highlighted text.