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SSC CHSL Final Result 2023 PDF Download Link



SSC CHSL Exam 2023 Result

SSC CHSL Result 2023 Summary

Recruitment Agency Staff Selection Commission
Examination Name Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level (CHSL) Examination 2023
Total Post 1600
SSC CHSL Tier-I Exam Date 02 August 2023 to 17 August 2023
Result Status Declared Now
SSC CHSL Result Declared Date 27 September 2023
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SSC CHSL 2023 Mode of Selection

Minimum qualifying marks in Tier-I, Section-I, Section-II & Module-I of Section-III of Tier-II Examination are as follows:

  1. UR : 30%
  2. OBC/ EWS : 25%
  3. All other categories : 20%

Candidates will be shortlisted for Tier-II Examination on the basis of their performance in Tier-I Examination. Normalized scores of candidates will be used to determine merit and for final selection.

There may be separate category-wise cut-offs in Tier-I and subsequent Tiers for different posts i.e. (i) DEO/ DEO Grade ‘A’ and (ii) LDC/ JSA.

Tier-II Examination will be conducted for all the candidates qualified in Tier-I. In Tier-II, all the candidates will be required to appear in all three sections.

In Tier-II, it will be mandatory for the candidates to qualify all the sections

Based on the aggregate performance in Section-I and Section-II of Tier-II Examination, candidates will be shortlisted for evaluation of Section-III of Tier-II Examination. The candidates who are not qualified in Section-I + Section-II will not be eligible for evaluation of Section-III and they will not be considered for further selection process.

Section-III of Tier-II is qualifying in nature, in other words both modules i.e. Computer Knowledge Test and Skill Test/ Typing Test are qualifying in nature. Skill Test for DEOs is mandatory for all the qualified candidates. Typing Test for posts other than DEOs is mandatory for all candidates except those who are exempted from appearing in the Typing Test as per notification.

SSC CHSL Merit List 2023

Merit list will be prepared on the basis of overall performance of candidates in Tier-II Examination only. Merit List will be prepared on the basis of aggregate marks scored in Section-I & Section-II of Tier-II examination only subject to qualifying Section-III (both modules) of Tier-II as per the qualifying standards fixed by the Commission.

Final selection of candidates, in each category, will be made on the basis of ‘overall performance in Tier-II Examination’ and ‘preference of posts’ exercised by them.

How To Download SSC CHSL Tier 1 Result 2023

SSC has conducted successfully online Tier-I examination of Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination 2023 between 02 August 2023 to 17 August 2023. All candidates can check their examination result online at SSC website. There are following simple steps for checking of Tier I examination result as follows:

  1. At first visit SSC official portal
  2. In the home page under navigation section click on download result link.
  3. After this you will be directed to result page, under result section navigate to CHSL tab.
  4. Next you will see a result table with Uploaded Date, Examination Name and Year, Write Up, Result and Marks.
  5. In Examination Name and Year column click on the given link as “Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination (Tier-I), 2023”
  6. You will get result in PDF file, you can search your result in computer by using Ctrl + F command and in mobile phone you can use Search option in your app.
  7. In Search Option you can use your Roll Number to find your result. If found your search query then you will get highlighted roll number with name.
  8. Finally you are selected for next examination, you can check your score card through SSC login page under dashboard.

SSC CHSL Cut Off Marks 2023 Tier 1 Exam

The Category wise cut-off marks and the number of candidates shortlisted for appearing in Tier-II Examination are as follows:-

For List I- For LDC/JSA

Category Cut off Marks Candidates available
UR 153.91142 2890
SC 136.41166 3290
ST 124.52592 1450
OBC 152.26953 5405
EWS 151.09782 2536
ESM 102.47651 878
OH 132.44172 245
HH 94.08797 199
VH 132.21752 265
PwD- Others 115.27865 37
Total 17495

*In addition to the UR candidates mentioned above386- SC, 58- ST, 4495- OBC, 2536- EWS, 01- ESM, 53- OH, 06- HH, 85- VH and 01- PwD-Others category candidates are qualifying at UR cut-off.

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