AE (Civil):
B.Tech/B.E. (Civil). Candidate should have a minimum three years working experience in planning and execution of multi storied building projects with all required infrastructure.
AE (Electrical):
B.Tech/B.E. (Electrical). Candidate should have a minimum three years working experience in planning and execution of multi storied building projects with all required infrastructure
Assistant Architect :
B. Arch. Candidate should be registered with Council of Architecture and possess a minimum of three years experience in designing of all types of buildings with allied services. Candidate should also be well versed with green building design requirements and application of Auto CAD software and / or similar type software.
AE (Structural):
M. Tech / M.E. (Structural. Candidate should be well versed with structural design of high rise building with the foundation system. He/she should be familiar with various standards of BIS pertaining to structural design and Foundation design and must be experienced in handling of structural engineering software like ETABS, STAAD etc. Candidates applying for the post must possess minimum one year hands on experience in the area.
AE (MEP engineers):
B. Tech./ B.E. (Mechanical/ Electrical). Candidate should have a minimum three years experience in planning and execution of Plumbing / Piping / HVAC system, Lift & Fire Fighting system, Electrical Sub-station in multi storied buildings.
AAO (Chartered Accountant) :
Bachelor’s Degree and Candidates should have passed Final Examination of Institute of Chartered Accountant and completion of Articles as presented by Institute of Chartered Accountant. The candidate should be Associate member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Candidates should provide their membership number and the same will be verified with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
AAO (Actuarial) :
Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline and Candidates should have compulsorily passed 6 or more papers of the examination conducted by the Institute of Actuaries of India / Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK. as on the date of eligibility i.e. 1st February, 2020. Candidates should provide their membership number and the same will be verified with Institute of Actuaries of India / Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK.
AAO (Legal) :
Bachelor’s degree in Law or LLM. Three years Bar experience is essential.
AAO (Rajbhasha) :
Post Graduate Master’s Degree in Hindi/Hindi translation with English as one of the subjects at Bachelor’s Degree level.
Post Graduate Master’s Degree in English with Hindi as one of the subjects at Bachelor’s degree level
Post Graduate Master’s Degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as subjects at Bachelor’s degree level.
AAO (IT) :
Graduation degree in Engineering (Computer Science, IT or Electronics), or MCA or MSC (Computer Science).