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Jharkhand BEd Result 2023- At


News:- Jharkhand BEd 2023 result has been released on 06th June 2023

News Date:- 06 June 2023


Jharkhand B.Ed Entrance Competitive Exam 2023

Important Dates

  • Application Start Date: 10-02-2023
  • Application Last Date: 31-03-2023
  • Admit Card Date: 06-05-2023
  • Entrance Exam Date: 13-05-2023 (New)

Application Fee

  • General: Rs.1000/-
  • BC-I/ BC-II Rs.750/
  • SC/ ST/ All Female: Rs.500/-
  • Pay fee through online using Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking.

Eligibility Criteria for Jharkhand B.Ed 2023

  1. Candidate with at least 50% marks either in Bachelor’s Degree and/ or in Master’s Degree in Science/ Social Science/ Humanities/ Commerce, Bachelor’s in Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science and mathematics with 55% marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto, are eligible for appearing in the B.Ed. Combined Entrance Competitive Examination-2023.
  2. The Candidate will have to choose only one subject (within a subject category) which she/ he must have studied in the qualifying degree, i.e.. Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree for at least 200 marks and out of which obtained at least 50% in that subject. The subject will henceforth be referred to as the teaching subject in the B.Ed. course.
  3. There is no restriction in the passing year to apply in B.Ed. course.

Note : Such candidates, who are appearing in the qualifying examination in the year 2023, can also apply in B.Ed. Entrance Examination-2023, but in the case of two or more candidates having the same marks as mentioned in clause 11 (a), the order of merit The benefit of the marks obtained in the qualifying examination will not be given in determining the marks.

Jharkhand B.Ed Syllabus 2023

The questions of the competitive examination will be Multiple Choice (MCQ) and total 100 marks. Each question will carry one mark and 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

  1. Language Proficiency shall have 30 questions (15 question for Hindi & 15 Questions for English) indicating specific area like comprehension, rearranging sentences, selecting suitable words for the blanks, finding out errors in parts of the sentences, finding out equivalent meaning to the given phrases, finding out suitable words for the incomplete sentences, sequencing, grammar which includes synonyms, idioms, prepositions tenses, articles.
  2. Teaching Aptitude (40 questions) will cover specific areas like attitude towards education, children and teaching profession; interest in teaching; leadership qualities & group management; emotional & social adjustment; intrapersonal & interpersonal skills; and general awareness of contemporary issues pertaining to school education.
  3. Reasoning ability (30 questions) indicating specific areas like verbal non-verbal reasoning, missing numbers, number series, letter series, theme finding, jumbling, analogy, odd one out, arranging the statements in a sequential form, statement and conclusion, syllogism, logical problems, establishing relationships and numerical ability.

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