News:- Advt. 01/2023 CSBC Constable Written Exam Admit cards will open from 12-09-2023 12AM.
News Date:- 11 September 2023
Central Selection Board of Constable
CSBC Admit Card 2023 Summary
Recruitment Agency | Central Selection Board of Constable (CSBC) |
Post Name | Constable (Sipahi) |
Advertisement No. | 01/2023 |
Total Post | 21,391 |
Admit Card Status | Released |
CSBC Admit Card Released Date | 12 September 2023 |
Bihar Police Constable Exam Date | 01, 07, 15 October 2023 |
CSBC Admit Card Download Link | csbc.bih.nic.in |
Helpline Email | csbchelpdesk@gmail.com |
CSBC Admit Card 2023 Notice
E-Admit Card of the candidates for the written examination will be available on the Board’s website www.csbc.bih.nic.in from 12.09.2023. Candidates should download their e-admit card and take a print out. It is clarified that admit card will not be sent by post. To appear in the examination at the allotted examination centre, along with the e-admit card, you will have to present a valid photo identity card such as voter ID card, passport, driving license, PAN card or Aadhar card. If the photograph is not clear or not available on the e-admit card, then in such a situation the candidate will also bring 2 (two) photographs (taken within two months) identical to the application form with him to the examination venue.
Bihar Police Constable Exam 2023 Notice
Written examination of the candidates in the order of advertisement number 01/2023 issued by the Central Selection Board (Constable Recruitment) for direct appointment to 21,391 (twenty one thousand three hundred ninety one) posts of ‘Constable’ in Bihar Police / Bihar Military Police and other units. It will be organized on 01.10.2023 (Sunday), 07.10.2023 (Saturday) and 15.10.2023 (Sunday).
Bihar Police Constable Exam Schedule 2023
Date | Shift | Exam Duration | Reporting Time |
01.10.2023 (Sunday) | 1st Shift | 10 am to 12 pm | 08 am |
01.10.2023 (Sunday) | 2nd Shift | 03 pm to 05 pm | 01 pm |
07.10.2023 (Saturday) | 3rd Shift | 10 am to 12 pm | 08 am |
07.10.2023 (Saturday) | 4th Shift | 03 pm to 05 pm | 01 pm |
15.10.2023 (Sunday) | 05th Shift | 10 am to 12 pm | 08 am |
15.10.2023 (Sunday) | 6th Shift | 03 pm to 05 pm | 01 pm |
Bihar Police Constable Syllabus 2023
The standard of the written test will be that of 10th class (Matric) or its equivalent level of the Bihar School Examination Board and the questions will be of objective type. The written test will be of 100 marks.
Question Paper One question paper of two hours duration will consist of 100 questions in which one (01) mark will be given for each correct answer.
Syllabus: The standard of the written test will be that of the 10th class (Matric) or its equivalent level of the Bihar School Examination Board. The written test will have objective type questions related to 1. Hindi, 2. English, 3. Mathematics, 4. Social Science (History, Geography, Civics, Economics), 5. Science (Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany), 6. General Knowledge and Current Affairs.
How To Download CSBC Constable Admit Card 2023
There are following simple steps for online downloading of Bihar Police Constable recruitment examination 2023 admit card as under described:
- At first open Central Selection Board of Constable (CSBC) official website www.csbc.bih.nic.in
- In the horizontal navigation of home page click on the given tab as Bihar Police.
- In the Bihar Police tab click on the given link as “Click on this Link to download e-Admit Cards”.
- You will be redirected to the Admit Card download page of Recruitment For Bihar Police Constables (Advt. No. 01/2023).
- In the Admit Card page under Download 01/2023 Written Exam Admit Card heading enter your Registration ID OR Mobile Number And Date of Birth correctly in the specified input field.
- Next enter Captcha Code as shown in the page correctly to proceed further.
- Finally click on SUBMIT button to access your dashboard, in this dashboard click on Download Admit Card link to download your admit card for Written Examination 2023.