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Bihar Public Service CommissionBPSC Various Post Recruitment 2020sarkarijobssearch.com* बिहार का SarkariJobsSearch * |
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Age Limitation
Total Post2529 |
Important Date |
For HOD (Advt. No. 12/2020), For Principal (Advt. No. 13/2020) & For Lecturer (Advt. No. 14/2020) |
For Principal in Govt. Engineering Colleges (Advt. No. 15/2020) |
For Professor (Advt. No. 16/2020, 17/2020 & 18/2020) |
For Lecturer In Polytechnic (Advt. No. 19/2020, 20/2020 & 21/2020) |
For Lecturer, Associate Professor & Professor (Advt. No. 22/2020, 23/2020 & 24/2020) |
Associate Professor, Civil Engg. & Electrical & Electronics Engg. (Advt. No. 25/2020, 26/2020) |
Associate Professor- Physics, Professor-Physics, HOD- Mechanical Engg, HOD- Civil Engg, HOD- Electronics Engg, HOD- Computer Science & Engg/ Technology, Professor- Electrical Engg, Associate Professor- Computer Science & Engg (Advt. No. 27/2020, 28/2020, 29/2020, 30/2020, 31/2020, 32/2020, 33/2020, 34/2020) |
Professor- Mathematics, Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication Engg, Associate Professor- Chemistry, HOD- Textile Engineering, Lecturer- Civil, Lecturer- Computer Science & Engineering/ Technology (Advt. No. 35/2020, 36/2020, 37/2020, 38/2020, 39/2020, 40/2020) |
HOD- Automobile Engineering, Lecturer- Mechanical Engineering, Lecturer- Electronics Engineering, Assistant Professor- Civil Engineering, Lecturer- Humanity (English), Professor- Civil Engineering, Professor- Electronics & Communication Engg. (Advt. No. 41/2020, 42/2020, 43/2020, 44/2020, 45/2020, 46/2020, 47/2020) |
Director- Museum, Director- Archaeology (Advt. No. 48/2020, 49/2020) |
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engg, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engg, Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engg, Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engg (Advt. No. 50/2020, 51/2020, 52/2020, 53/2020) |
Assistant Professor Chemistry, Associate Professor Electrical Engg, Assistant Professor English, Assistant Professor Geology (Advt. No. 54/2020, 55/2020, 56/2020, 57/2020) |
Educational Qualification
Experience- Minimum of 12 years of experience in Teaching/ Research/ Industry, out of which at least 2 years shall be post Ph.D. experience minimum at the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade-I) OR With minimum of 15 years experience in Teaching / Research/ Industry, out of which at least 3 years shall be at the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade-II).
Experience- With minimum of 16 years of experience in Teaching/ Research/Industry, out of which at least 3 yers shall be post Ph’D. Experience and 5 years of Experience not below the level of HoD. OR And minimum of 20 years of experience in Teaching /Research / industry, out of which 5 years of experience not below the level of HoD.
Experience- (i) at least two successful Ph.D guided as supervisor/Co-supervisor and minimum 8 research publications in SCI journals/ UGC/ AICTE approved list of journals. (ii) Minimum 15 years of experience in Teaching/ Research/ Industry, out of which at least 3 years shall be at the post equivalent to that of Professor.
Experience- (i) Minimum of l0 years of experience in teaching/ research / industry out of which at least 3 years shall be at a post equivalent to that of an Associate Professor. And (ii) At least 6 research Publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI journald/ UGC/ AICTE approved list of journals And at least 2 Successful Ph.D guided as Supervisor/ co-supervisor till the date of eligibility of promotion OR At least 10 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI journals/ UGC/ AICTE approved list of journals till the date of eligibility of promotion.
Experience:- (ii) Minimum of 8 years of experience in teaching/ research./ industry out of which at least 2 years shall be post Ph.D experience
Experience:- (i.) Minimum of 10 years of experience in teaching/ research/ Industry out of which at least 3 years shall be at a post equivalent to that of an Associate Professor And (ii) at least 6 research Publications at the level of Associate professor in SCI journals/ UGC/AICTE approved list of journals And at least 2 Successful Ph.D guided as Supervisor/ co-supervisor till the date of eligibility of promotion. OR At least 10 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI journals UGC/ AICTE approved list of journals till the date of eligibility of promotion.
Post Wise Vacancy Details |
Post Name |
Total Post |
Head Of Department (HOD), Electrical Engineering |
36 |
Principal in Govt. Polytechnic |
25 |
Lecturer, Electrical Engineering in Govt. Polytechnic |
119 |
Principal in Govt. Engineering Colleges |
32 |
Professor, Chemistry |
08 |
Professor, Computer Science |
12 |
Professor, Electrical & Electronics |
07 |
Lecturer, Physics In Polytechnic |
27 |
Lecturer, Chemistry In Polytechnic |
29 |
Lecturer, Humanity (Economics) In Polytechnic |
28 |
Lecturer, Mathematics In Polytechnic |
47 |
Associate Professor, Electronics & Communication Engg In Engg College |
50 |
Professor, Mechanical Engg In Engg College |
36 |
Associate Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engg In Engg College |
17 |
Associate Professor, Civil Engg. In Engg College |
120 |
Associate Professor, Physics In Engg College |
07 |
Professor, Physics In Engg College |
08 |
HOD, Mechanical Engg In Polytechnic College |
35 |
HOD, Civil Engg In Polytechnic College |
37 |
HOD, Electronics Engg In Polytechnic College |
39 |
HOD, Computer Science & Engineering/ Technology In Polytechnic College |
14 |
Professor, Electrical Engineering In Engg College |
31 |
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering In Engg College |
15 |
Professor, Mathematics In Engg College |
08 |
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication Engg In Engg College |
147 |
Associate Professor, Chemistry In Egg College |
07 |
HOD, Textile Engineering In Polytechnic |
02 |
Lecturer Civil Engg In Polytechnic |
130 |
Lecturer Computer Science & Enging/ Technology |
86 |
HOD Automobile Engg In Polytechnic |
02 |
Lecturer Mechanical Engg In Polytechnic |
166 |
Lecturer Electronics Engg In Polytechnic |
131 |
Assistant Professor, Civil Engg In Polytechnic |
306 |
Lecturer, Humanity (English) In Polytechnic |
28 |
Professor, Civil Engineering In Engg College |
40 |
Professor, Electronics & Communication Engg. In Engg College |
18 |
Director, Museum |
01 |
Director, Archaeology |
01 |
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engg In Engg College |
111 |
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engg In Engg College |
263 |
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engg In Engg College |
34 |
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engg In Engg College |
18 |
Assistant Professor, Chemistry |
57 |
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering |
95 |
Assistant Professor, English |
32 |
Assistant Professor, Geology |
47 |
Important Note |
Some Important Useful Links |
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Civil Engineering (Advt. No. 44/2020)
Computer Science & Engineering (Advt. No. 52/2020)
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Advt. No. 53/2020)
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