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BPSC Admit Card 2023 69th Prelims Exam Date OUT Updated On : 15 September 2023 07:13 AM


Bihar Public Service Commission

BPSC Admit Card 2023 Summary

Recruitment Agency Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC)
Test Name Integrated 69th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination 2023
Total Post 475
Admit Card Status Released
BPSC Prelims Admit Card Released Date 15 September 2023
BPSC 69th Prelims Exam Date 30 September 2023 (Saturday)
Admit Card Download Link
Helpline Number 2237999/ 89864-22296
Helpline Email
Apply Online For BPSC 69th Exam 2023

BPSC 69th Prelims Exam 2023 Notice

The Integrated 69th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination is to be conducted on 30.09.2023 (Saturday) in a single sitting (12.00 noon to 2.00 pm) in the district headquarters of the state.

The said exam will be of objective nature and negative marking. 1/3 (one third) mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

BPSC 69th Prelims Exam Syllabus 2023

  1. The Integrated Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination will be of General Studies subject, all questions of which will be objective in nature with multiple choices. The duration of the exam will be of two hours and the total marks will be 150. Question wise selection of any one answer out of multiple choice answers will be required.
  2. There will be negative marking for wrong answers in the preliminary examination.
  3. The preliminary examination will be just a screening test, on the basis of which the candidates will be selected for the main examination. The number of candidates to be shortlisted for the Main Examination will be ten (10) times the total number of vacancies notified. All the candidates who obtain the same cut off marks category wise will be selected for the main examination.
  4. In this preliminary examination, general science, contemporary events of national and international importance, history of India and major features of the history of Bihar, general geography, major geographical divisions of Bihar and its important rivers, India’s polity and economic system, independence After that there will be major changes in Bihar’s economy, National Movement of India and Bihar’s contribution in it and questions to test general mental ability.
  5. Passing this preliminary examination will be mandatory and for this, by resolution no. 2374 of Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Bihar, dated 16.07.2007 and General Administration Department, Bihar’s resolution no. 962, dated 22-01-2021, 40% for general category, 36.5% for backward class, 34% for extremely backward class and 34% for SC/ST. It will be mandatory for women and disabled candidates to achieve the prescribed minimum qualifying marks of 32% otherwise they will be out of the competition.

How To Download BPSC 69th Prelims Admit Card 2023

There are following simple steps for online downloading of BPSC Integrated 69th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination 2023 admit card as under described:

  1. At first open BPSC official website
  2. In the left side of home page under navigation section click on the given link as “Apply Online”
  3. In the Apply Online page under user login section enter your Usernmae and Password correctly in the specified input field.
  4. After login navigate to dashboard and upload your passport size photograph in the relevant place.
  5. After uploading of photograph, you can download your admit card in the PDF format.
  6. Finally click on Download Admit Card button in the dashboard to download your admit card and save a copy in PDF or print out for future reference.

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