Bihar Vidhan Sabha
Bihar Vidhan Sabha Security Guard Admit Card 2023 Summary
Recruitment Agency | Bihar Vidhan Sabha (BVS) |
Post Name | Security Guard (Suraksha Parhari) |
Advt. No. | 01/ 2023 |
Total Post | 69 |
Result Status | Released |
Bihar Vidhan Sabha Security Guard Admit Card Release Date | 28 August 2023 |
Preliminary Examination Date | 10 September 2023 |
Admit Card Download Link | vidhansabha.bih.nic.in |
Email ID | helpdesk.bvs@gmail.com |
Helpline Number | 8929300185 |
Bihar Vidhan Sabha Security Guard Admit Card 2023 Instructions
- Under advertisement number 01/2023, the preliminary examination for direct recruitment to the post of security guard has been rescheduled on 10.09.2023 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM in one shift at various examination centers located in Patna and Muzaffarpur.
- Candidates will reach the examination center two hours before the scheduled time of examination. Candidates will go out of the examination hall only after the end of the examination period.
- Candidates can download their admit card for the examination of the post of security guard from the date 28.08.2023 from the website of Bihar Legislative Assembly www.vidhansabha.bih.nic.in. Admit card will not be issued to the candidates by post.
- Candidates will be present at the examination center with blue/black ball point pen, admit card and original copy of the identity card and after studying the instruction printed on the admit card, will ensure its compliance.
- Candidates are instructed not to come to the examination center wearing full shirt/shoes/high sandals. Come wearing half shirt / slippers / normal sandals only.
Bihar Vidhan Sabha Security Guard Syllabus 2023
Method of Examination: For the post of Security Guard, first a preliminary examination (objective and multiple choice) will be conducted through offline / OMR sheet, in which physical examination / efficiency test of successful candidates will be taken.
Preliminary Examination: The duration of this test will be of 2 (two) hours and there will be a total of 100 questions. All questions will be objective and multiple choice.
This exam will be of total 100 marks in which each question will be of 1 mark. The medium of language in the preliminary examination will be Hindi / English. If there is any difference between the question papers of Hindi and English, only the questions of English will be valid.
This test will have the following subjects:
- Mathematics – The number of questions will be 50.
- General Studies – The number of questions will be 50.
How To Download BVS Security Guard Admit Card 2023
There are following simple steps for online downloading of Bihar Vidhan Sabha Security Guard Preliminary Examination 2023 admit card as under described:
- At first open Bihar Vidhan Sabha official website https://vidhansabha.bih.nic.in
- In the middle of Home Page under Notice Board section click on the moving link as “Download Admit Card of Bihar Vidhan Sabha Security Guard Admit Card 2023”
- You will be redirected to the admit card download page of Bihar Vidhan Sabha Security Guard recruitment 2023
- In the admit card page under Admit Card download portal section enter your Application Number/ Registered Mobile Number and Date of Birth correctly in the specified input field.
- Finally click on Submit button to download your admit card and save a copy in PDF or print out for future reference.