
BCECE 2nd Round Seat Allotment Result 2023 Joint PCMB


Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board

BCECE Counselling 2023 Summary

Board Name Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board
Test Name Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination (BCECE) 2023
Stream PCM / PCB / PCMB and CBA/ PCA/ MBA/ MCA
Counselling Status Started
Starting date of Online Registration-cum-Choice filling for Seat Allotment [ Joint ] 28 September 2023
Last date of Online Registration-cum-Choice filling for seat allotment and locking [ Joint ] 02 October 2023
Round-1 provisional Seat Allotment Result publication date 12 October 2023
Downloading of Allotment order (Round-1) 12 October 2023 to 15 October 2023
Document Verification and Admission (Round-1) 13 October 2023 to to 15 October 2023
DCECE Online Counselling Link
Helpline Number 0612-2220230, 0612-2225387

BCECE PCM / PCB / PCMB Counselling Schedule 2023

Seat Matrix posting on website 27.09.2023
Starting date of Online Registration-cum-Choice filling for Seat Allotment 28.09.2023
Last date of Online Registration-cum-Choice filling for seat allotment and locking 02.10.2023
1st Round provisional seat allotment Result publication date 12.10.2023
Downloading of Allotment order (1st Round) 12.10.2023 to 15.10.2023
Document Verification and Admission (1st Round) 13.10.2023 to 15.10.2023
2nd Round provisional seat allotment Result publication date 21.10.2023
Downloading of Allotment order (2nd Round) 21.10.2023 to 27.10.2023
Document Verification and Admission (2nd Round) 26.10.2023 to 27.10.2023

BCECE CBA/ PCA/ MBA/ MCA Counselling Schedule 2023

Seat Matrix posting on website 27.09.2023
Starting date of Online Registration-cum-Choice filling for Seat Allotment 29.09.2023
Last date of Online Registration-cum-Choice filling for seat allotment and locking 03.10.2023
1st Round provisional seat allotment Result publication date 06.10.2023
Downloading of Allotment order (1st Round) 06.10.2023 to 09.10.2023
Document Verification and Admission (1st Round) 07.10.2023 to 09.10.2023
2nd Round provisional seat allotment Result publication date 12.10.2023
Downloading of Allotment order (2nd Round) 12.10.2023 to 15.10.2023
Document Verification and Admission (2nd Round) 13.10.2023 to 15.10.2023

How To Apply For BCECE Counselling 2023

  1. For Online Choice filling / Counseling process, candidates should click on “Online Counseling Portal of BCECE -2023”. Thereafter, to fill the choice on the above mentioned portal for Online Counselling, click on the link “Click here for New Registration” and fill the choice by entering the required information on the computer screen and registering yourself.
  2. After registration, candidates can login to their account with their User ID and Password and fill the choice of as many Colleges and Branches as per their preference. After filling the choice, candidates can edit their choice till the prescribed last date. According to the given schedule, if the candidates are satisfied with the choices filled by them, then lock their choices. After choice locking, if the candidates want to make any changes in the choices filled by them, then they should click on the “Unlock Choices” button and authenticate / verify the OTP received on their registered mobile number and email and make changes in the choices till the prescribed last date. can do. After that the candidates should re-lock the finally filled choices. If the candidates do not lock their choices by the prescribed last date, their The choice will be automatically locked immediately after the prescribed last date. There will be no provision for any change in choice after the last date. Candidates should take a printout of the choices filled by them and keep it safe for future.
  3. The process of registration and choice filling for online counseling is one-time. Therefore, if any candidate does not register in Round-1 or does not do his choice filling after registering, then all such candidates will not be given the opportunity to register and choice filling again for the online counseling of Round-2.
  4. The list of finally filled choices will be sent through email on the registered email ID of the candidate before seat allotment.
  5. However, seat allotment will be done on the basis of choices filled by all the candidates who have done choice filling till the prescribed last date.
  6. Candidates can view their seat allotment result by logging into their account from the scheduled date. If any candidate is not satisfied with his allotted college and branch then express his desire for upgradation for Round-2 in order to download the Provisional Allotment Order. If any candidate does not express his desire for upgradation for Round 2 counselling, he will not be considered for Round-2 counselling.
  7. The name and date of Reporting / Nodal Center for Document Verification / Admission will be mentioned in the provisional allotment order downloaded by the selected candidate, according to which the candidates will get their Document Verification done by visiting their respective Reporting / Nodal Center by the prescribed date. If for any reason any candidate does not get his/her document verification done by the prescribed date, then all the allotted candidates will be considered ineligible for Round-2 and the allotted seat will be considered vacant and they will also become ineligible for further counselling. But if a candidate is not allotted seat in Round-1 then he will wait for Round-2.

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