Bihar CET BEd Exam Schemes 2023
CET-B.Ed.-2023 shall be of two hours duration. Candidates have to answer 120 multiple-choice questions. Each question shall have four expected answers of which they have to select the most appropriate answer and mark them on the OMR sheet provided along with the Question Booklet. Candidate must use blue/black ball pen only to mark the answer on the OMR sheet.
The Question Booklet s shall have 120 objective type questions each carrying one mark. The maximum marks allotted to the Entrance Test is 120. OMR Sheet/Answer Sheet shall be provided for answering the question.
- Qestion Type:- OMR Based Objective Type
- Examination Duration:- 2 Hours
- Total Question:- 120
- Total Marks:- 120
Pattern of Entrance Test
Subject | No. of Question | Marks |
General English Comprehension (B.Ed. Programme) | 15 | 15 |
General Sanskrit Comprehension (Shiksha Shastri Programme) | 15 | 15 |
General Hindi | 15 | 15 |
Logical & Analytical Reasoning | 25 | 25 |
General Awareness | 40 | 40 |
Teaching – Learning Environment in Schools | 25 | 25 |